Top 50 Excel Interview Questions

Top 50 Excel interview questions that may be asked in 2024:

  1. What are some advantages of using Microsoft Excel over other spreadsheet programs?
  2. What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet in Excel?
  3. What is the default file extension for an Excel workbook?
  4. How do you create a new workbook in Excel?
  5. What is a formula in Excel? How do you write a formula?
  6. What is the difference between a relative and absolute cell reference in a formula?
  7. How do you format numbers in Excel?
  8. What is conditional formatting in Excel?
  9. What is a PivotTable and how is it used in Excel?
  10. How do you filter data in Excel?
  11. What is the difference between sorting and filtering in Excel?
  12. How do you add a chart to an Excel worksheet?
  13. How do you create a line chart in Excel?
  14. How do you create a bar chart in Excel?
  15. How do you create a pie chart in Excel?
  16. What is the VLOOKUP function in Excel? How do you use it?
  17. What is the HLOOKUP function in Excel? How do you use it?
  18. What is the IF function in Excel? How do you use it?
  19. What is the COUNT function in Excel? How do you use it?
  20. What is the SUM function in Excel? How do you use it?
  21. What is the AVERAGE function in Excel? How do you use it?
  22. What is the MAX function in Excel? How do you use it?
  23. What is the MIN function in Excel? How do you use it?
  24. What is the ROUND function in Excel? How do you use it?
  25. What is the CONCATENATE function in Excel? How do you use it?
  26. What is a named range in Excel? How do you create one?
  27. How do you freeze panes in Excel?
  28. How do you merge cells in Excel?
  29. How do you split cells in Excel?
  30. How do you use Flash Fill in Excel?
  31. How do you use Data Validation in Excel?
  32. How do you use the Subtotal function in Excel?
  33. How do you use the Goal Seek feature in Excel?
  34. How do you use the Solver add-in in Excel?
  35. How do you protect a worksheet in Excel?
  36. How do you password-protect an Excel file?
  37. What is the Excel Ribbon?
  38. What is the Quick Access Toolbar in Excel?
  39. How do you use the Format Painter in Excel?
  40. How do you use the Find and Replace feature in Excel?
  41. How do you use the Text to Columns feature in Excel?
  42. How do you use the CONCAT function in Excel?
  43. What is a macro in Excel? How do you create one?
  44. What is a pivot chart in Excel? How do you create one?
  45. What is a slicer in Excel? How do you use it?
  46. What is the difference between a function and a formula in Excel?
  47. How do you use the SUMIF function in Excel?
  48. How do you use the COUNTIF function in Excel?
  49. How do you use the AVERAGEIF function in Excel?
  50. How do you use the INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel?
