Use VLOOKUP Function in Excel

Steps to use the VLOOKUP function in Excel:

  1. Determine the table that you want to lookup values from. The table must have a unique identifier (such as an ID number) in the first column.
  2. In the cell where you want the result to appear, type in "=VLOOKUP(", then click on the cell containing the value you want to lookup. This will automatically fill in the first argument of the function.
  3. Add a comma after the first argument, then select the range of cells that contains the table you want to lookup values from. Make sure to include the entire table, including the column with the unique identifier.
  4. Add another comma, then specify the column number of the value you want to return. This is the column number within the range of cells you selected in step 3.
  5. Add a final parenthesis to close the function, and press Enter. The result of the VLOOKUP function should now appear in the cell where you typed the function.

Note: The VLOOKUP function searches for the specified value in the leftmost column of the table and returns the corresponding value from the specified column number. If the value is not found, the function can be set to return an error message or a default value.

Here's an example of how to use the VLOOKUP function:

Suppose you have a table of employee information with ID numbers in column A and corresponding salaries in column B. You want to lookup the salary of employee with ID number 123. Here's how you would use the VLOOKUP function to do this:

  1. In a new cell, type "=VLOOKUP(123," and click on the cell containing the first cell of the table.
  2. Add a comma after the first argument and select the entire range of the table.
  3. Add another comma and specify 2 (since the salary column is the second column in the table).
  4. Close the function with a final parenthesis, and press Enter. The salary for employee ID 123 should now appear in the cell.
