Top 7 Excel Tricks You Need to Know

7 Excel tricks that can help you save time and increase your productivity:

  1. Use Conditional Formatting: Conditional Formatting allows you to visually highlight cells that meet specific conditions. For example, you can use conditional formatting to highlight cells that are above or below a certain value, contain certain text, or have a certain color. This can help you quickly identify patterns and outliers in your data.
  2. Freeze Rows and Columns: When working with large data sets, it can be helpful to freeze rows and columns so that they remain visible as you scroll through your spreadsheet. To do this, click on the row or column you want to freeze, and then select "Freeze Panes" from the "View" tab.
  3. Use Pivot Tables: Pivot Tables are a powerful tool for summarizing and analyzing large amounts of data. They allow you to quickly create custom reports and analyze data in a variety of ways, such as by grouping data by category, calculating averages and totals, and creating charts.
  4. Use Named Ranges: Named Ranges allow you to give a specific range of cells a name, which can make it easier to reference those cells in formulas and functions. To create a Named Range, select the cells you want to name, and then click on "Name Box" on the left-hand side of the formula bar.
  5. Use Text to Columns: If you have data that's been combined into a single cell, you can use Text to Columns to split that data into separate cells. To do this, select the cells you want to split, and then go to the "Data" tab and click on "Text to Columns". From there, you can choose the delimiter that separates the data and specify where to split it.
  6. Use the Concatenate Function: The Concatenate Function allows you to combine data from multiple cells into a single cell. To use the Concatenate Function, enter "=CONCATENATE" into the cell where you want the combined data to appear, and then specify the cells you want to combine in the parentheses.
  7. Use Flash Fill: Flash Fill is a feature that allows you to automatically fill in data based on patterns in your data. For example, if you have a list of names in one column and want to split them into first and last names in two separate columns, you can use Flash Fill to automatically do this for you. To use Flash Fill, start typing the desired pattern in the adjacent column, and Excel will recognize the pattern and offer to fill in the rest of the column for you.
