Remove Duplicate Values in Excel

There are 4 ways to remove duplicate values in Excel:

Method 1: Using Excel's built-in "Remove Duplicates" feature

  1. Select the range of cells that you want to remove duplicates from.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon.
  3. Click on the "Remove Duplicates" button in the "Data Tools" group.
  4. In the "Remove Duplicates" dialog box, select the columns that contain the duplicate values you want to remove.
  5. Click the "OK" button.

    Method 2: Using Excel's "Advanced Filter" feature

    1. Select the range of cells that you want to remove duplicates from.
    2. Go to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon.
    3. Click on the "Advanced" button in the "Sort & Filter" group.
    4. In the "Advanced Filter" dialog box, select the "Copy to another location" option.
    5. In the "Copy to" field, enter a cell reference for the starting cell of where you want to copy the unique values.
    6. Check the "Unique records only" checkbox.
    7. Click the "OK" button.

      Method 3: Using Excel's "COUNTIF" function

      1. Insert a new column next to the column containing the values you want to remove duplicates from.
      2. In the first cell of the new column, enter the formula "=COUNTIF(range,cell)" where "range" is the range of cells that contain the values you want to remove duplicates from and "cell" is the cell in the current row that contains the value you want to check for duplicates.
      3. Copy the formula down to the rest of the cells in the new column.
      4. Filter the table by the new column to show only the rows where the value in the new column is 1. These are the unique values.

      Method 4: Using Excel's "Remove Duplicates" add-in

      1. Download and install the "Remove Duplicates" add-in from the Microsoft AppSource.
      2. Select the range of cells that you want to remove duplicates from.
      3. Go to the "Remove Duplicates" tab on the Excel ribbon.
      4. Click on the "Remove Duplicates" button to remove the duplicate values.
