Insert/Attach PDF in Excel

To insert a PDF file into an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Excel workbook and select the cell where you want to insert the PDF file.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon and click on the "Object" button in the "Text" group.
  3. In the "Object" dialog box, select the "Create from File" tab.
  4. Click the "Browse" button and locate the PDF file you want to insert.
  5. Select the PDF file and click the "Insert" button.
  6. Check the "Display as icon" checkbox if you want to insert the PDF file as an icon. If you want to insert the PDF file as a clickable image, leave this checkbox unchecked.
  7. Click the "OK" button to insert the PDF file into the selected cell.

Note that the PDF file will be inserted as an object, which means you can resize and move it around the worksheet as needed. You can also double-click on the object to open the PDF file in its default application. If you inserted the PDF file as an icon, you can right-click on the icon to access additional options, such as opening the PDF file, editing the object, or changing the object properties.
