SUMIF for Beginners & Its Steps to Use

SUMIF is a useful function in Excel that allows you to sum the values in a range of cells that meet a specified criteria. Here are the steps to use SUMIF:

  1. Open Excel and select the cell where you want to display the result.
  2. Type " =SUMIF " into the cell and press the tab key.
  3. Specify the range of cells you want to evaluate by selecting the first cell in the range and dragging your cursor to the last cell in the range.
  4. Type a comma after the range and specify the criteria that you want to use to evaluate the range. This can be a cell reference or a value.
  5. If you want to specify a range that is different from the range you specified in step 3, type another comma and specify the range that you want to sum.
  6. Press Enter to calculate the sum of the values in the range that meet the specified criteria.

For example, if you have a range of sales data in cells A1:A10 and you want to sum the sales data for a particular salesperson, you can use the following formula:

=SUMIF(A1:A10, "John", B1:B10)

In this example, the formula will evaluate the range A1:A10 and only sum the values in the corresponding cells in range B1:B10 where the value in the cell in range A1:A10 is "John".

This is just a basic example of how to use SUMIF. You can also use SUMIF to evaluate multiple criteria, use wildcards to match partial criteria, and more. With practice, you can become proficient in using this powerful function in Excel.
